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The biggest news from the floor of Congress was Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s speech telling Israel to have new elections to get rid of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This was more than a despicable speech; it was an unprecedented interference into a democratically-elected government of an American ally. It’s also a statement from the Democratic Party to American Jews: “We don’t care about your interests.”

I caught up with Leah, who had just spent the last few hours running from fridge to oven, and sink to counter. She seems so joyous cooking for so many people - roast chickens, potato kugel, and various meats - that I didn’t want to leave her kitchen. Purim is around the corner and she is so thrilled that many of her fellow Jews are going to have a good Purim seudah.

(March 19, 2024 / JNS) Courage and identity are often our most powerful allies.

For many of us this year, Purim festivities won’t arrive soon enough. The Jewish holiday that is always marked by joyful celebrations seems to offer its own unique antidote to the challenges and pain that Jews everywhere are facing right now. For one night, we can forget our worries about the hostages, the war and antisemitism at home. We can don our masks and celebrate Mordechai and Queen Esther’s bravery. Purim, the calendar’s happiest Jewish holiday, emboldens our spirit and renews our sense of hope, even at the darkest of times.

President Donald Trump is the most polarizing figure in American history.  His personal affect leads a plurality of this country to have strong feelings of love or hate, driving millions to the polls to vote for him or against him.  The hatred against him has driven many on the political Left, especially in the media, to the point of near insanity, with accusations so outrageous that they seem comical.  The greatest joke, however, is that when looking at the policies that actually affect the lives of Americans and foreign interests, Trump is a moderate candidate - more aligned with the policies of Mitt Romney than those of Ted Cruz.  

Purim is a holiday of hidden miracles. In the Purim story, one can observe the Almighty’s hand stealthily moving the pawns across the global chessboard, delivering salvation to the Jews.

Rather than warning Israel against excessive aggression, U.S. President Joe Biden should be emphasizing the evils of antisemitism.

(March 12, 2024 / JNS) U.S. President Joe Biden devoted his Ramadan greeting this year to the “terrible suffering” of the Palestinians and the “appalling resurgence” of Islamophobia in the United States.