Colors: Blue Color

On Monday, January 13, the Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Central) hosted its annual Dinner of Tribute at the Sephardic Temple of Cedarhurst. The event is an opportunity for YUHSG to celebrate its community and express appreciation for those who have made noteworthy contributions to the health of the school over the past year. Faculty, students, and other members of the school community gathered for the event.

Unprecedented attendance, historic fundraising success, and extraordinary student achievements defined the Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) record-breaking Annual Dinner of Tribute in January at Marina Del Rey. Centered around the theme “Charting the Course: Inspiring Our Future,” the event brought together YUHS board members, YU Roshei Yeshiva, current and former parents, alumni, rebbeim, faculty, students, and guests to celebrate the yeshiva’s remarkable accomplishments and its profound impact on the community.

Last week, a group of HALB students had the incredible opportunity to participate in Middle School Civic Spirit Day at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn. They joined nearly 100 other students from around the tri-state area to learn and explore questions and issues related to civic life and the judicial system.

During the week of final exams and the first week of winter break, Rabbi Schenker and Rabbi Shulman had the great pleasure of spending time with many of the MTA alumni who are learning in yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. Once they arrived, their schedule became a whirlwind of visits, with multiple yeshivos on the agenda each day.

YCQ hosted a beautiful Melave Malka for the Grade 4 boys on Motzaei Shabbos. Students and their families made tzitzis, enjoyed a kumzitz by Rabbis Ari Boiangiu and Ophie Nat, and ate a delicious dinner catered by Bravo Pizza Queens and our very own Chef Yaakov. Special thanks to everyone made the night so special.