This past week, when I turned on my phone after Shabbos, I was informed of the bitter news of the passing of our dear colleague, the former menahel of Heichal HaTorah, Rabbi Avi Oberlander z”l.

A few weeks ago, we began having washing machine issues. Our washing machine would begin doing its thing perfectly; but somewhere towards the end of the cycle, it would stop. An error code would come up on the machine’s screen, and the machine began beeping annoyingly.

People take their food very seriously. We are blessed to live in a society of plenty, and we expect our plenty to tantalize our taste buds exactly how we like it. Who isn’t a food critic these days? Debates about which restaurant is better or what is the best dish in a particular eatery can be surprisingly passionate.

I only had the opportunity to meet Rav Moshe Wolfson zt”l once. Rav Wolfson was the Mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and the Rabbi of Congregation Emunas Yisroel in Brooklyn, and he was widely respected as a Torah leader. He passed away last week at the age of 99.

As I get older, it seems to only be getting worse. I’m really bad at recognizing names and faces. In this regard, my wife and I are opposites. She doesn’t forget a face, or a name and I don’t remember them. We’ll go shopping together and she’ll say hi to someone who looks at her confusedly. My wife will then tell her that they were in preschool together. Meanwhile, I have embarrassing encounters with people I know, whom I don’t recognize or have totally forgotten their names.