Colors: Cyan Color

Israel’s consistently high rankings in the Happiness Index is fascinating. Fittingly, streets across the country have names that reflect this theme. For example, Netanya has a neighborhood filled with many joyful street names, including Ha’Gila, Ha’Rina, Ha’Ditsa, Ha’Chedva, and Tsahala.

The world’s democracies think they cannot defend themselves;
Israel is proving them wrong.

(April 9, 2024 / JNS) Six months after Oct. 7, no one is the same. The Israel-Hamas war has made everyone participating in it, both soldiers and witnesses, more aware of the preciousness of life. They are determined not to allow it to be taken. They are saddened by the vicious hatred of Israel’s enemies and those enemies’ willingness to commit horrendous atrocities. They are determined to fight those enemies more intensely than ever.

The standoff on military assistance to the two countries must be broken. Members of both political parties in the United States need to stop pretending that the conflicts are linked

(April 16, 2024 / JNS) This past weekend’s Iranian missile attack on Israel was, among other things, a wake-up call for Congress. More than six months after Oct. 7, a bill that would provide supplemental military aid to the Jewish state that would help it fight the Hamas terrorists responsible for the massacres and defend itself against Iran is still languishing on Capitol Hill. And while the number of those who oppose helping Israel has increased in the intervening months, the reason why passage of the measure is still very much in doubt is not entirely the fault of the growing number of Democrats who have turned on the Jewish state.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman has been making national headlines lately.  In 2024, being a normal Executive in a deep-blue state like New York apparently garners a lot of attention.  He drove Democrats crazy when he decided to protect women’s sports and locker rooms by banning men from participating in women’s activities.  Now he’s being called a Nazi because he wants to prepare for emergencies that may come up in the future. 

As you were warned for months and months, the final nail in the coffin between the Democratic Party and the State of Israel has finally been hammered in by Joe Biden. After six months of war that was started by Hamas when they viciously attacked Israeli civilians, Biden is now siding with Hamas to placate his radical, Jew-hating base.  Biden is caving in the worst possible way, telling terrorists around the world that hiding behind civilians provides immunity from retribution for their atrocities. 

New Reduced Tuition for Inaugural Cohort

YU in Israel combines the rich Yeshiva University beis medrash environment and advanced Torah studies taught by Roshei Yeshiva, with a specially designed academic curriculum between YU and Tel Aviv University (TAU) or Bar-Ilan University (BIU). It offers talmidim an opportunity to learn in Israel while earning one of two YU degrees that prepare them to enter an ever-more-competitive global job market.