MTA launched a new learning program to help talmidim focus on their growth and encourage them to engage in limud haTorah over winter break. Talmidim were excited to participate and logged more than 25,000 minutes of Torah learning during bein ha’zmanim!
“At MTA, we teach our talmidim the value of always making time to learn Torah,” said Associate Principal Rabbi Shimon Schenker. “It’s easy to learn Torah when we are in Yeshiva; the challenge is figuring out how we are going to make time for learning when we don’t have shiur every day. This program truly helped our talmidim realize how important it is to make time for learning, which will set them up for success in the future.”
Talmidim earned one raffle ticket for every ten minutes of learning. Mazal Tov to the raffle winners: Dovid Wartelsky (’20), Donny Book (’22), and Gavriel Barber (’23)!