Question: May tort damages be proven based on the testimony of a woman?

Short Answer: Unless both parties expressly agree, tort damages may not be proven based on a woman’s testimony.

Question: Is a store owner liable for damages to a neighboring store from a fire that started in the first store?

Short Answer: Depending on how the fire was started, it is quite possible that the store owner will not be liable.

Question: Is a person liable for damages caused to his friend who is injured by slipping on the person’s item, which broke and was left lying on the floor?

Short Answer: No, a person is generally not liable for damage caused by his broken object. There is a dispute, however, if he is liable where he could have picked it up but did not do so.

Question: If one accidentally starts a fire in his friend’s house, is he liable for damage caused to all of the items in his friend’s house?

Short Answer: Yes, he is liable for anything that is typically in a person’s house, even if the item is hidden in the house.