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By sheer force of will, the tragic murder of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller has been brought into the national spotlight.  This is not because the death of an officer in the line of duty is anything that the media wants to talk about - especially in New York - but rather because former President Donald Trump attended the wake.

There is an expectation of many in the West that Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and his cohorts, or their successors, will gain control over Gaza, and in place of Hamas. Some western leaders express the view that in the aftermath of Israel’s war against Islamic terror in Gaza a Palestinian state should be established.

In mathematics, two lines are orthogonal if they intersect at right angles.  More generally, two concepts or situations are orthogonal if they do not substantially overlap.  In Israel today, many worlds seem to be orthogonal, either existing separately from each other or having cross purposes.  This is true of the relationship between much of the media and the government, the attempt of Israelis to maintain normality in daily life, and the view of Israelis and most of the World about the hostages and Hamas.

Since October 7, the question was when - not if - Joe Biden would cave to his leftist base on Israel.  This did not happen overnight, but it was always inevitable.  Biden has spent his entire career blowing in the direction of the prevailing political winds, and Democrats around the country are openly signaling that they want to dump Israel by the side of the road in favor of the Hamas terrorists who committed the greatest terror attack on a Western nation since 9/11.  

In the midst of making a mishloach manos delivery run this past Sunday, I drove by my local public library, which had signs outside about early voting. Since I’ve turned 18, I never missed an election, and my reward for being a “prime voter” is a sizable amount of mail, texts, and phone calls. How was I not aware that New York’s presidential primary is happening this week?