We are approaching two unique days of eis ratzon (a time of heavenly favor), where our tefilos have even greater power and potential than usual. Taanis Esther and Purim are opportunities we must take full advantage of. The challenge is that we are generally very busy and preoccupied on these days. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves in advance.

In general, the more important an endeavor is, the greater the preparation it requires, and the greater the opportunity, the greater the obstacles placed in front of us by the yeitzer ha’ra. A brain surgeon must prepare many more years than most other physicians. How much time and effort we exert thinking about the opportunity before us – and how we will utilize it to the fullest – demonstrates the level of chashivus (importance) we ascribe to it. Where will we daven? When? When will we carve out time to say extra T’hilim and what specific requests will we plead and beg for, both in Shemoneh Esrei and throughout these days – for all of B’nei Yisrael and for our close loved ones.

These days are also a tremendous opportunity to commit or rededicate ourselves to the Weekly Tefilah Focus program. Please listen to HaRav Mordechai Finkelman’s special shiur on redescribing the program that we began close to nine years ago. Check out the banner on TorahAnytime (If you do not see it yet, please check back each day, as it should be posted by the end of the week), and click on it to hear this powerful shiur, and make your commitment on or before these special days, so that you and all of B’nei Yisrael can have the merit of all future improvements in your tefilah right now. When we make a commitment like this, Hashem, in His infinite kindness, grants us the merits of all our future efforts, right now.

As part of your renewed commitment, please check out Rav Yitzchak Berkovits’ special 12-part series on Tefilah (currently up to Part Seven) on TorahAnytime. This is a very powerful overview, and you can work on the weekly program by listening to just one part each week and working all week on what he presents in that shiur. Your tefilah and life will never be the same.

May we merit to rise to the challenge and not let this opportunity pass us by.

 To access print versions of previous Tefilah segments, please visit OU Torah’s Search portal, select the Topic of “Tefillah,” and then select “Weekly Tefilah Focus” from the Series list.


For Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman’s video and audio shiurim, which are based on our Tefilah Focus segments but also include his insightful and inspiring additions, please visit TorahAnytime.com or simply search for “TorahAnytime Rabbi Finkelman.”

You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.