On Motza’ei Shabbos, November 16, the Yeshiva of Central Queens third grade students had their annual m’laveh malkah. The students worked for weeks with their moros and their music teacher, Morah Tali Spector. The students then performed the songs they learned in front of their parents, grandparents, and teachers. The songs were meaningful, especially since the students worked so hard learning and practicing their songs. “The m’laveh malkah was fun. I liked singing Eliyahu HaNavi the best,” said Shimon Borukhov, grade three. The production put smiles on everyone’s faces. The students sang about Shabbos and had a great time performing. Ava Sternfield, grade three, said, “The m’laveh malkah was awesome because I got to perform in front of my family with all of my friends.”