Colors: Blue Color

On Sunday, December 22, fathers and grandfathers of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s third grade joined together with their sons to celebrate the start of the boys learning Mishnayos. Rabbi Bookson, the Assistant Menahel, started the program, explaining to the boys the importance of learning Torah She’b’al Peh. Rabbi May, the Menahel, spoke to the boys about the importance of mesorah and that the Mishnah is the next step in the chain.

On Monday evening, December 30, Central bid farewell to 11 sophomores who are off for a month in Israel as part of the Central/Ulpanat Zvia Exchange Program. The exchange program, directed by Mrs. Tova Rosenberg, who escorted the students to Israel, pairs our students with those at Ulpanat Zvia, one of the finest High Schools in Israel, located in Ma’aleh Adumim.

A group of HANC High School students decided to take advantage of their lighter afternoon schedule on Wednesday, December 25, and joined students from all over Long Island as they packed hundreds of Shabbos hospital care packages at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset with Rabbi Hillel Fox, Director of Pastoral Services.

On Wednesday, December 25, the Second Grade students of HANC Plainview received their first Chumashim. They filled the room with excitement as they sang beautifully in Hebrew about what they will learn from their new Chumash. Each student shared what they were looking forward to learn about from the stories in the Chumash in Hebrew, with the translation for the audience in the program.