Colors: Blue Color

Integrating Chanukah throughout general studies’ learning added “an extra spin” all week at BYQ! Although every grade celebrated with Chanukah activities, here are some highlights. The first graders thoroughly enjoyed their special Chanukah-themed activities! The girls spun dreidels and created graphs to show their results. What a fun way to explore graphs! They practiced writing adjectives to describe delicious Chanukah foods and beautiful Chanukah pictures of doughnuts, menorahs, and latkes. Reading practice turned into a Chanukah activity when the girls spun a dreidel that had a consonant blend on each side. They wrote words beginning with those blends on their own paper dreidels. The girls matched flames and candle numerals to their number words and glued them on to a menorah.

Yeshivat Merkaz HaTorah was glowing with Chanukah Festivities this past week! The preschool classes learned special songs and dances with Morah Rena Greenberg in honor of Chanukah and performed beautifully for their mothers. The school was decorated with many different Chanukah decorations and children’s work, which set the tone for this beautiful chag! Each child received special treats and refreshments in celebration. After learning all about the story of Chanukah and preparing for this special party, our students had so much fun creating different projects and menorahs using Clics, Blocks, Magna-Tiles, and baking Chanukah treats during the week of Chanukah!

Over 170 very excited and eager Yeshiva Har Torah first and second graders gathered for the first-ever YHT Challah Bake one Thursday night in December. As part of a school-wide “Shabbat Across YHT,” students made the dough with their teachers, and then made challah covers while they waited for the dough to rise and guests to arrive. Later, students returned with their guests to roll, braid, and decorate their very own challos for Shabbos.

Students at the Bnos Malka Academy became documentary producers on Monday and Tuesday of Chanukah. Students were grouped into fours and fives to interview survivors of the Holocaust, and they videoed their responses in order to share their story and document it for future generations.

What number do you call if there is an emergency? Do we ever hide from a firefighter? These are two questions that were repeatedly asked by Firefighter Melanie Kael during her visit to the HALB Lev Chana Early Childhood Center. Medics Jud Berman (father of Nate) and David Coleman (father of Noam) joined members of the Woodmere Fire Department – Firefighters Melanie, Eliyahu Dweck, Jawad Kiani, and Darren Moritz – who guided the children in discussions on how to be safe.