Colors: Blue Color

As the Yamim Nora’im approach, the Queens students and alumni of Ezra Academy were treated to a special weekend of chizuk with the mashgiach ruchani of the school, Rabbi Elie Geller. Beginning with a young couple’s shiur on Thursday evening, September 15, at the home of graduates Gabriel Borokhov (class of ‘19) and Abigail Aronova-Borokhov (class of ‘19) and continuing through Shabbos with beautiful oneg programs and s’udos where words of Torah were shared, and singing could be heard for miles.

It is never too early to instill in children the importance of being civic-minded. On Wednesday, September 21, alongside hundreds of police officers, politicians, journalists, community liaisons and representatives, ten grade-eight students represented their yeshivah with maturity and poise. Each year, members of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) hold a “High Holiday” briefing on precautionary and additional safety measures for the Jewish Community.

On Tuesday, September 20, Central held its annual Great Round Challah Bake. The challah bake is an event that many at Central have come to eagerly anticipate – a chance for students, faculty, and staff to bake, bond, and prepare for the upcoming holiday. Over 200 members of the Central community attended, and the crowds of mothers, aunts, daughters, sisters, alumnae, and even incoming eighth graders made for a bustling, dynamic evening.

The Middos Program is underway at the Bais Yaakov of Queens! The girls gathered together at two separate introductory assemblies (grades 1-4 and grades 5-8) presenting the theme of the year. The theme of Taf Shin Pei Gimmel is Gadlus HaAdam – Reaching Your Potential for Greatness – “Zeh HaKatan Gadol Yihyeh.” Our motto is ASPIRE...HIGHER!

To kick off the year, HANC High School held its annual opening ceremony and back-to-school Senate event. Seniors, freshmen, and new faculty were introduced to the student body with warm welcomes. Prior to the ceremony, the class of 2023 received their senior shirts and then made their grand entrance into the auditorium with ruach and excitement. A first at the ceremony was the parade of departments down the aisle, props in hand, celebrating the new academic year.

On Wednesday, September 14, students arrived bright and early to YSZ HS for Girls in Queens and boarded a bus for a trip they knew they would not soon forget. With Mrs. Zerykier, Morah Balakhaneh, and Ms. Greenberg in tow, students looked forward to feeling the warmth and encouragement that YSZ is famous for in a new and exciting venue. The retreat was located in beautiful and scenic Pennsylvania, where students could participate in many different types of bonding activities. These activities focused on team building, fostering friendships, and motivating students to step out of their comfort zones. With the theme of “stretching yourself,” students had the opportunity to find and hone their own unique strengths and abilities.