As the Yamim Nora’im approach, the Queens students and alumni of Ezra Academy were treated to a special weekend of chizuk with the mashgiach ruchani of the school, Rabbi Elie Geller. Beginning with a young couple’s shiur on Thursday evening, September 15, at the home of graduates Gabriel Borokhov (class of ‘19) and Abigail Aronova-Borokhov (class of ‘19) and continuing through Shabbos with beautiful oneg programs and s’udos where words of Torah were shared, and singing could be heard for miles.
The meals were hosted by graduates and families of Ezra Academy who wanted to help the men and women of Queens prepare spiritually for the Rosh HaShanah holiday (special thank you to the Aminov and Sofiev families).
Rabbi Geller spoke at several different places in the Fresh Meadows and Jamaica Estates neighborhoods. Each lecture was met with enthusiasm, as people took the messages to heart. Although this was not a typical planned and sponsored Ezra event, as mashgiach ruchani, Rabbi Geller (and family) put forth tremendous efforts to reach out to and positively affect the extended Ezra family whenever possible. Ezra Academy thanks the Gellers for going above and beyond.