Colors: Blue Color

The talmidot at YSZ High School for Girls began Friday morning, September 30, at 5:30 a.m., when the world was quiet and the sky still dark, as a bus waited in front of the campus for something spectacular. Within a few minutes, the girls, huddled in sweaters and ready for an adventure, were on their way. After some words of inspiration shared by Mrs. Rina Zerykier, menahelet, about the power of the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah, sunrise, and t’hilim, students found a spot on the vast beach to daven and feel the grandeur of Hashem’s creation. Enveloped in nature, and immersed in the t’filah, the girls connected to the precious time and uniqueness of the moment. A delightful breakfast of muffins and hot chocolate followed with pre-Shabbat music and ruach that energized the girls for the day.

There was a visible air of excitement on Sunday, September 18, as students, mothers, and alumnae of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls family boarded the bus for SKA’s all-day event: Elul Day of Inspiration – a t’shuvah journey. The trip emphasized the opportunity to “see Hashem in all places and at all times,” and it certainly lived up to its promise.

On Thursday, the students at Rambam were honored to see a sneak peek of the opening minutes of an incredibly important film: “J’Accuse!: A Cry from the Killing Pits of Lithuania.” One of the makers of the film, Grant Gochin of Los Angeles, addressed the students about the horrors that befell Lithuanian Jews during the Holocaust, and what he and others are doing to set the facts straight and bring justice to the memory of those who were murdered.