The month of Adar at MTA has been incredible! Starting with a Freshman overnight, grade trips for Sophomores and Juniors, and a very special Senior day trip to Connecticut, complete with a visit to the Yeshiva of Waterbury, there has been a wide array of special programming. In addition, last week, MTA hosted their annual rebbi-talmid game that was enjoyed by everyone (and won by the rebbeim for the third consecutive year!).
On Motza’ei Shabbos, Purim night, many MTA talmidim joined the YU Chagigah, and enjoyed dancing with rebbeim and Roshei Yeshivah to the music of Simcha Leiner. On Purim Day, our rebbeim and administrators opened up their homes to talmidim who came by to spread Purim joy.
The celebration continued on Monday, Shushan Purim, as hamantashen were served at breakfast for the yeshivah. MTA also held a leibedik chagigah along with shiur costume contests. Prizes were awarded for the most creative ideas. The winning shiur is featured here!
The chagigah was followed by a full spread of Dippin Dots served ala cart to the entire yeshivah!
At MTA, the festivities continued throughout the week, with themed costume days, Jersey Day, and our annual Spirit Day, as we kicked off the Red Sarachek basketball tournament that brought a lot of excitement to the MTA/YU campus. MTA looks forward to keeping the elevated sense of joy and simchah throughout the month.