Colors: Blue Color


Investigation spurred by Congresswoman Meng was conducted
by Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General following current spike
in mail theft throughout the borough

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens) announced Tuesday that the U.S. Postal Service has agreed to implement the recommendations outlined in a new federal probe that revealed major mismanagement in how the agency is addressing the rise of mail theft in Queens.

Hadar Bet Yaakov, Queens’ Sephardi Bet Yaakov high school, graduated its first 12th grade this past June. “We began with eleven special girls who took a chance on a new school,” beamed Rabbi Robenov, Dean of Hadar Bet Yaakov in his welcoming remarks, “and we’re proudly graduating those same eleven girls four years later.” Girls marched proudly down the aisle at Floral Terrace flanked by teachers current and former as parents and relatives snapped videos and pictures.

Multifaith alliance of global religious and technology leaders signals commitment
to a human dignity-centered future

Global faith, political and industry leaders participated in the AI Ethics for Peace Conference including Rev. Yoshinori Shinohara, Secretary General of Religion for Peace of Japan, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University (first row second from left), Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life (first row third from left), H.E. Sheikh Mahfoud bin Abdullah Bin Bayyah of the United Arab Emirates (first row fifth from left), Dario Gil, Senior Vice President and Director of IBM Research (first row sixth from left), the Hon. Taro Kono, Japan’s Minister for Digital Transformation (first row seventh from left), and Brad Smith, President of Microsoft (first row eighth from left). Photo Credit: IBM

On July 8, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University, attended by invitation the historic, multifaith "AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call" conference in Hiroshima, Japan to sign on to the Rome Call for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics. The Rome Call urges governments, technology companies, and other organizations to advance an ethical approach to AI in order to shape a responsible future that honors human dignity.

In Parshas Balak, we encounter the story of Balak, the king of Moav, who sought to curse the Jewish people. Despite his intentions, blessings flowed from the mouth of Bilaam instead of curses. This narrative teaches us a profound lesson about the unexpected ways that blessings can manifest in our lives, even amidst adversity.