Queens Jewry a partner in progress dedicated to building stronger communities through faith, collaboration, and innovation

NYS Governor Kathy Hochul stood at the center of the Queens Interfaith Breakfast held at the Helen Marshall Cultural Center at Queens Borough Hall this past Wednesday, August 14. Kicking things off was a roundtable of Queens’ honorable religious and nonprofit leaders from every major faith and corner of the borough.

“Grace Meng has been a friend to our community for a very long time. She did not start being our friend on October 7 or October 8 or October 13 when it became a thing to do for some; she was our friend way before,” began Sorolle Idels, chairperson of Queens Jewish Alliance, in her opening remarks this past Monday evening at the Young Israel of Queens Valley at a reception in honor of Congress Member Grace Meng. Idels’s political engagement consortium honored Rep. Meng for standing by Israel and its people since the Hamas atrocities of October 7. “Many of you remember years ago, former President Obama wanted the Nuclear Iran Deal, and Grace Meng said no. She has been a staunch supporter of our community, of our people, and of our country.”

“It appears there is nothing to be concerned about,” was last Thursday night’s message to the Queens Jewish community from NYPD Dep. Chief Richie Taylor, Comm. of the Community Affairs Bureau recorded following a dinner we shared together, regarding what were thought to be two suspected kidnapping attempts in KGH.

Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov receives honorary accommodation

Queens Jewish community members joined the New York Police Department’s National Night Out festivities at area precincts. I took some time to thank members of the Department at three local gatherings, where we successfully brought the police to the community, and the community to the police, as the program slogan hails.

The neshamah of Rav Shraga Feivish Hager zt”l, the self-effacing Kossover Rebbe, returned to the Olam HaEmes this past Shabbos night, June 29, around midnight, at 66 years of age, following a valiant battle with yeneh machalah that took the Rebbe to the best local and German medical facilities. The Rebbe was a respected leader with batei midrash at 55th Street and 13th Avenue in Borough Park, Williamsburg, Lakewood, and Yerushalayim, dayan of the Vizhnitzer-Monsey kehillah, based in Borough Park, poseik for Chesed Shel Emes, sought-after darshan, and sent regular support to the Kossov institutions of Tz’fas.