Colors: Blue Color

To link the messages of previous generations to the generations yet unborn, we turn to the young people of the present, whose care and creativity will carry our nation forward. This year, Shevach students have joined many thousands of people across the globe in commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps. Through original projects, educational trips, and inspiring events, Shevach students are growing in their knowledge of klal Yisrael’s past and in their commitment to its future.

This past week, hundreds of people from the United States came to Eretz Yisrael for Agudah’s annual Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim. Among them, came a notable group from the Queens community that brought Rabbi Ilan Meirov, the director of the Chazaq organization, to join them on their three-day journey.

Taking a break from regular morning seder, Yeshiva Toras Halachah hosted its bi-annual Yarchei Kallah on Monday, February 17, Presidents’ Day. Talmidim, alumni, and the Kew Gardens Hills community joined for a special morning of learning and brunch in their beis midrash at 70-03 147th Street. Great Neck, the Five Towns, and Queens were all well represented at the event.

On Sunday, February 16, the MTA Robotics Teams, Lionotics and Lionotics 2, participated in their third competition of the year at the FIRST Tech Super Regionals. The teams worked hard over the past few months to create the best possible robots, using MTA’s state-of-the-art STEM Lab, which has a dedicated room for the robotics teams with specialized tools and equipment.