YCQ students in Grades 1-8 participated in a beautiful day of chesed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 15. In partnership with “All About Kindness,” students brought in various items from home to pack for local children in need and for chayalim in Israel. Students packed goody-bags, Havdalah sets, gloves and hats, and s’farim, and wrote heartfelt letters to accompany all the packages. Grade 7 Girls participated in another act of chesed on the previous Friday when they worked with Boots for Israel, an amazing local initiative organized by the Young Israel of Holliswood.
Thanks to everyone who helped organize these incredible endeavors. Special thank you to the students and parents who brought in a tremendous number of items, and all the volunteers from All About Kindness and Boots for Israel – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe and Keren Birnbaum, Mr. Yakir Wachstock, Mrs. Shirly Pourad-Kaikov, and Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Ayelet Katz – for inspiring the students and handling the logistics of these worthy chesed initiatives.