Colors: Blue Color

The students of the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens are hard at work with creative, thoughtful, and meaningful projects in literacy! The second graders are working hard to create their second book of the year. This book is based on a science unit on animals. The girls studied and researched different animals while learning a new medium for illustration. In their books, they are using their research skills and displaying a special technique called collage. This technique was used by well-known author Eric Carle. The girls are having a wonderful time while they expand their writing horizons!

This Motza’ei Shabbos, parshas Mishpatim, the fourth grade boys at the Yeshiva of Central Queens gathered for a parent-child melaveh malkah. The students and their parents were each given a set to make their own pair of tzitzis. Under the guidance of one of their rebbeim, Rabbi Shmuel Soffer, they discussed the importance of tzitzis and the mitzvah of wearing them. He walked them through, step by step, until each knot was tied and the tzitzis were ready to be worn.

On Monday night, February 17, the Queens Jewish Hockey League (QJHL) held its championship game at the Yeshiva of Central Queens. The players were surprised to have a special guest referee – Josh Markowitz – former starting goalie for the YU Roller Hockey team. The two teams in the game were Wasserman’s vs. Allstate–The Meltzer Group.

Silverstein Hebrew Academy Hosts Annual Celebration of Chagigat Siddur

Silverstein Hebrew Academy in Great Neck hosted their annual celebration of Chagigas HaSiddur, the highest achievement for first graders at SHA. This annual celebration highlights the students’ incredible transition from saying their prayers by heart to reading and praying on their own in Hebrew.

As part of HALB’s ongoing initiative to promote mental health wellness and thriving throughout the school community, Middle School parents came together to watch LIKE, a documentary exploring the impact of technology and social media on our mental health and wellbeing. The event was a collaboration with HALB’s SEPTA committee and OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, as part of HALB’s partnership with OHEL on “Road MAPP to Success,” a Middle School Anxiety Prevention Program.

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