Dating Today

Argumentative, Or Simply Having An Opinion

Dear Goldy: I went out a few times with a girl. The next thing I know, the shadchan calls and told me...

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 What does the title of this article mean? It means that sometimes, when a shadchan is given an answer to a question that he or she asked, that should satisfy the shadchan. The next question can be asked about something else. But some shadchanim don’t like the answers provided and will push trying to get to the “heart of the matter.” All of a sudden, the shadchan starts questioning the single, “Why...” “What….” “Explain once more…” – trying to get to the root of why the single answered that way. I dealt with a few shadchanim who would press me for answers and try to get to the “bottom of it.” I would politely tell them, “I don’t know what you’re looking for, but that’s it. There’s no ‘story’ here.” If I had never met this shadchan and it was a call out of the blue, I’d be appreciative of the shadchan reaching out, but I wouldn’t tell this person everything about my life. I don’t know who she is or what she will do with the information. Let’s not forget about the broken telephone game, and in shidduchim you have to be so careful about what is said, because you don’t know how the other person will interpret it and then tell others about you.

 Dear Goldy:

My son is 30 and out of the house.  I guess you can say that it sounds like a normal situation, but it isn’t for me.  All of my children have lived at home until they married.  But my youngest always did things a little differently.  He moved to the city a few years ago and enjoys the city life with friends and going out after work.  He calls and visits, but not as often as I would like.  That may be the point of my letter, although my husband said I don’t need to write because there is nothing to worry about.

 Last week I gave you all a serious article, some may even say an unpleasant one. But not everything in life or in dating is sunshine and roses. It would be wrong of me not to address the topic of abuse once in a while and bring awareness to the topic.

 PSA to singles: Just because a shadchan says something to you, it doesn’t mean it’s true. In order to date, you must have what they used to call “a strong constitution.” Don’t cry or cave or have a pity party because someone insults you or says what you feel is an insult. The dating “game” can be cruel at times. All I can say is: Believe in yourself and know who you are, inside and out. You’ll have a better chance of surviving the Survival game until you reach the chupah.

 I like to keep the conversation light. I like to bring the funny, be the one to make others laugh. I try to do that with this column. But I also try to be responsible and sometimes things have to get serious. I’d be doing a disservice to readers if I avoided the unpleasant – and some may say harshness – of the dating world. I want all to be informed and knowledgeable and aware of what is out there and prepare all of you, and I’m not just speaking about bad dates and shadchanim who don’t have your best interest at heart. It hurts that I have to write this, but I must, and I write it because I care, not because I want to sensationalize something or scare readers. Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s dangerous. Read on and educate yourself.

 This emailer thought I would be the perfect person to ask advice from because of my story. While it may seem that way, there were many twists, turns, obstacles, and hardships from date number one with my husband until he stepped on the glass under the chupah. My story isn’t your typical story. But I did my best with how I responded.