The Midrash Tanchuma explains that the reason for B’nei Yisrael’s survival through all their numerous troubles and exile is because, unlike the non-Jewish world, B’nei Yisrael recognizes Hashem during good and bad times. David HaMelech understood this when he said, “Sh’foch chamascha el ha’goyim asher lo y’da’ucha – Pour out Your wrath upon the nations that do not recognize You” (T’hilim 79:6). Klal Yisrael, on the other hand, has a completely different reaction. When we are faced with sorrows, we call out and turn to Hashem and His Torah, as David Hamelech stated: “Tzarah v’yagon emtza u’v’sheim Hashem ekra – I will find troubles and sorrows, and I will call out in Hashem’s name” (T’hilim 117:13).
When everything is going well, it is easy to turn to Hashem and thank Him for His goodness. The real test comes when we run into rough waters. How do we react to life’s difficulties? We must remember to turn straight to Hashem!
The Chazon Ish zt”l (Emunah and Bitachon – Chapter 2) says that difficulties do not come by accident. They were decreed from Heaven. One who has bitachon (trust in Hashem) realizes this and turns to Him. He pours out his heart in t’filah (prayer). This is the hallmark of a Jew and keeps us alive.
Sefer T’hilim holds a special place in the heart of am Yisrael. It’s our “go-to” book during times of happiness, when our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to Hashem, and during times of trouble, when its words provide us with comfort and consolation and are a balm to an aching heart.
The Chida, Rav Chaim Yosef David Azulai, writes in his commentary to T’hilim, Yosef T’hilos, that saying T’hilim regularly repels calamities and diseases.
The Tzemach Tzedek, the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, says: “If you only knew the power that lies in the verses of T’hilim and their effect in the celestial heights, you would recite them all the time. Know that the chapters of T’hilim break through all barriers and soar aloft from level to level, unimpeded. They intercede before the Master of the Universe and secure their effect with kindness and mercy.”
Kitzur Likutei Moharan I:73 – A person who wishes to return to God in repentance should make it a practice to recite Psalms, as Psalms are most efficacious for repentance.
Kitzur Likutei Moharan II:101 – Every day say at least ten psalms. Any ten psalms you say have great power to fix. See yourself and what you are going through in the words of the Psalms. Apply all the expressions of praise and thanks in the Psalms to your personal situation. Say them as thanks to G-d for all the love and kindness He has shown you all your life.
List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Yonasan Chaim ben Yocheved
Nisan ben Shoshanah
Eliyahu Igor ben Rachel Raya
Hillel ben Orah Brachah
Mindel Esther Malkah bas Elka
Sarah bas Miriam
Avigayil bas Chavivah
Malkah Marina bas Miriam Bertha
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Mitali Naomi bas Gilah Farcha
Miriam Chayah bas Sarah
Orah bas Devorah Chayah
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.