MTA instituted the Yeshiva Fellowship program to encourage talmidim to take on extra learning and grow from the experience. This program requires real dedication and hasmadah to the talmid’s learning, and it is therefore not something that everyone feels comfortable taking on. The talmidim who commit to the learning do so on their own time, be it during lunch, night seder, Friday night learning in neighborhood shuls, or Shabbos day.
This year, the Yeshiva Fellowship program members committed to learning several extra p’rakim of the iyun masechta being covered. Additionally, each talmid attended chaburos with Rabbeinu HaRav Schachter shlita, which covered those p’rakim. In addition to these commitments, about 30 talmidim took voluntary b’chinos on the p’rakim to check their understanding of what they have been learning.
Almost one quarter of the student body at MTA took part in the Yeshiva Fellowship program this year. Many of those talmidim will be m’sayeim the entire iyun masechta that they have been learning. Some of the talmidim learned enough p’rakim on their own to be awarded a beautiful, personalized shtender.
MTA thanks Rabbi Netanel Danto for heading up this very successful program, and to Rabbi Chaim Axelrod, Rabbi Baruch Pesach Mendelson, and Rabbi Rafi Pearl for being grade advisors for Yeshiva Fellowship. This is a truly unique program that the yeshivah is extremely proud of.