Members of the first graduating class of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls gathered for a beautiful buffet dinner on Tuesday evening, July 19, for their 25th high school reunion at the home of Mrs. Shani Hollander.

Women from the Class of ’97 had the opportunity to share memories with SKA Founding Prinicipal Mrs. Helen Spirn, along with Dr. Mila Klahr, Mrs. Sheila Leibtag, and Mrs. Terri Wagner, who have been teaching at SKA since its beginning. Director of Development Mrs. Elissa Schertz Kirshner ’03, joined the women in celebrating their special bond.

Mrs. Aliza Weiner Caplan and Mrs. Esther Oppenheimer Goldfeder, now SKA’s Physical Education faculty member and Softball Coach, spoke of the achdus of the class, which has held tight over so many years. They expressed hakaras ha’tov to Mrs. Spirn, who had the foresight to put together this amazing group and believe in them throughout their academic years, starting the school on its incredible path. The reunion was filled with much reminiscing and laughter!

A heartwarming reunion was also held in Jerusalem on Sunday, July 3, with 11 class members who made aliyah.

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