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In honor of the 30th year since the Lubavitcher Rebbe's passing, the Shluchim of Queens arranged a dignified visit to the Ohel for the Borough President Donovan Richards. Richards displayed a deep respect for the Rebbe by writing a pan and reciting T'hilim at the Ohel. The Borough President resides just a few blocks from the Ohel and represented the community when he was a NYC Council Member. Richards has a history of being very helpful to the Ohel and developed a rapport between the administration of the Ohel and the local community members. He commented how privileged he feels every morning when he wakes up and realizes his close proximity to this holy eternal resting place. Richards also proclaimed Education and Sharing Day in honor of the Rebbe, with a proclamation presented to the Queens Shluchim at the Ohel. The Shluchim presented the Borough President with a gift, the best selling book Rebbe by Joseph Telushkin. Upon receiving it, Richards commented, “I can't wait to read it!"

 “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Paul Kane, a revered professional leader at UJA, whose passion for strengthening Jewish life around the world left an indelible mark on our community. In his capacity as head of fundraising for UJA, Paul helped lead the UJA team in raising over $3 billion during his two decades of leadership and played a key role in shepherding the organization through the 2008 financial crisis, ensuring UJA’s continuous support for its network of partners during that critical time. Paul was a mentor to hundreds of fundraising professionals throughout the Jewish world, had an abiding love for Israel, and up until his death was working on a range of projects to ensure the health and safety of all Israelis. May his memory be for a blessing.”


Tuesday, July 9, the 3rd of Tammuz, was the 30-year mark since the passing of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, my mentor, teacher, and inspiration. He was not just my Rebbe. He was the Rebbe of the people. Jews from far and wide consulted him. They sought his advice, insight, and teachings, but more than anything, they sought his validation and love.