At first, I couldn’t understand what my student was talking about. Why would he ask me if I think there are more doors or wheels in the world? Of what importance is the answer, and how can anyone correctly assess it?

It’s the month(s) of Adar, a time of increased joy. As Purim continues to approach, the excitement continues to mount, especially after a longer winter than usual. But I ask you to please indulge me briefly, as I share our family’s sadness with the passing of my beloved father-in-law, Nathan Mermelstein, on the morning of Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Ki Sisa, 18 Adar I.

Why is that true?

My ninth grade Heichal students (b’kius) and I are currently learning Maseches Tamid. The shortest masechta in Shas, Tamid details the daily procedures of the avodah performed in the Beis HaMikdash. Most particularly, it discusses the offering of the Korban Tamid – the daily “consistency offering.” There were actually two korbanos tamid brought each day. One served as the first offering brought in the Beis HaMikdash each morning, and a second one served as the final offering brought every afternoon.

When I was in Eretz Yisrael a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to see my wonderful cousin, Reb Izak Cohn. As we both share a love of s’farim, whenever we meet, our discussion invariably turns to the newest s’farim we purchased.

These days, you can order almost anything and have it delivered to your door, in a relatively short amount of time.

Unfortunately, emotions don’t work that way. A person can’t just snap his fingers and feel differently. If anyone could, and knew how to teach that to others, he would become rich very quickly.