The New York Police Department’s Shomrim Society held its first annual melaveh malkah on Motza’ei Shabbos, February 11, in Kew Gardens Hills at Congregation Od Yosef Chai. The fraternal organization of Jewish police officers, both former and current, designed the event to unite their membership in a relaxed and enjoyable manner that highlighted the Jewish tradition of partaking in a fourth Shabbos meal. The program was directly in line with the group's mission of providing law enforcement officers of Jewish faith a means to gather and rejoice.
Lieutenant Benjamin Gelber of the 112th precinct in Forest Hills organized the program in his role as the consortium’s First Vice President. Gelber began the evening with a musical Havdalah service that brought smiles out from the audience. The night progressed with heartfelt remarks from Rabbi Alvin Kass, Chief Chaplain of the NYPD, an interactive activity, and a customary meal.
Noteworthy guests included Queens Shmira Coordinator Avraham Pinkhasov; Rabbi Tzvi (Harry) Berkowitz, Chief Chaplain at the NYS Fraternal Order of Police and founder and director of Universal Jewish Police Association; and Meshulem Lisker, Area 1 Chair of Queens Community Board 8.
By Shabsie Saphirstein