Colors: Blue Color

On Sunday morning, October 23, the fathers of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s seventh grade were invited to spend the morning bonding with their sons in Yeshiva. The morning began with a special Shacharis minyan for the seventh grade. Afterwards, the fathers and their sons had the opportunity to share breakfast and hear divrei chizuk from Rabbi Elisha Feinberg. A special introduction to Bar Mitzvah for both fathers and sons followed. The seventh grade rebbeim also invited the fathers to join their sons in class for a special father-son shiur.

Extracurriculars in HAFTR High School are inclusive of everyone’s interests, and students are often encouraged to take charge by creating new clubs and teams that do not yet exist. HAFTR’s student body recently participated in its annual club fair, which was held on Thursday, September 22. This activity allowed students to research and choose from a large selection of student-run extracurriculars within the school. With over 40 choices to select from, students are able to cultivate their hobbies and passions with like-minded peers in a “non-academic” setting.

Eighteen alumni of Rabbi Kiffel’s first grade class from last year worked diligently over the summer to complete the 1K Summer Review Program. These talmidim were invited for a barbecue siyum this past Sunday at their rebbe’s home. Besides the delicacies off the grill, and the fun games, the boys had an uplifting and memorable experience. Recollections from last year were shared and cherished as the boys went down memory lane. The talmidim also received chizuk for future endeavors.

The Student Council of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls prepared an exciting program to welcome the month of Cheshvan on Wednesday, October 26. Presenting an entertaining and hilarious video, the Student Council introduced this year’s theme – Around the World – showcasing various sites, with the Amazon Rainforest as their initial destination.