Colors: Blue Color

The Yeshiva of Central Queens gratefully acknowledges the Names, Not Numbers© Program that has taught our students about the Holocaust through the accounts of eyewitnesses, provided them with interviewing, filming, and editing skills, and, most importantly, enabled meaningful relationships to be forged between the survivors and our students. YCQ has benefited tremendously from its participation in this Legacy Heritage project.

On Tuesday, March 26, the Yeshiva of Central Queens’ sixth grade students participated in the annual STEM Fair. The winners will move on to the Inter-Yeshiva competition against students from several other schools. Students chose a topic in science, engineering, or technology; then they collected data, researched, and analyzed their information, resulting in an array of well-thought-out, interesting projects that they presented to YCQ faculty and students. Sarah Owadeyah said, “My topic was “Twin Telepathy.” I did it with my twin sister and it was very interesting to learn about telepathy and to see how it works.” The first-place winners, Joshua Noah and Aryeh Rozic, did a project on a robot that can sense color and complete a Rubik’s Cube; Esther Nazarov and Julia Mushayev, second place winners, did their project on “Extracting DNA from a Strawberry.” Esther said, “Learning about strawberry DNA has been a great experience, because I learned facts, and one of them is that strawberries have eight different types of chromosomes.”

Yaelle Merrill, a fourth grader at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens, has had her historical family story selected for publication in Grannie Annie, Vol. 14, to be released in May by The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration. The Grannie Annie invites students in grades 4 through 8 to write about something interesting they discover from their family’s history based on their interviews with older relatives.

On Taanis Esther, a group of Shevach students went to visit The Boulevard ALP to deliver mishloach manos provided by Agudath Israel of America, and to bring the spirit of Purim to the residents. With fun costumes and lively music, the elderly residents and the Shevach students alike had a memorable and uplifting experience.

Talmidim at the Rambam Mesivta celebrated Purim’s joy with their rebbeim in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Five Towns. During Purim day itself, the rebbeim opened their houses to the boys for singing, dancing, and nosh. In many cases, the talmidim joined their rebbeim for the full blown s’udah of challah, meat, and... soft drinks! Grape juice was offered to those who wanted to make a HaGafen.