Every year, one of the major highlights of the MTA experience is the arrival of exchange talmidim from Yeshivat Mekor Chaim. An added energy pervades the halls of MTA when the talmidim of Mekor Chaim join the yeshivah at the beginning of the Spring Semester every year.
Coming from a completely different educational system, the MC4, as they’re lovingly known, bring a unique and refreshing perspective to the talmidim of MTA. On Monday morning, the 11th grade welcomed the MC4 with a grade breakfast, where MTA talmidim had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi David Rabinowitz, the menahel of Yeshivat Mekor Chaim – a great privilege.
With lively Thursday night kumzitses, leibedik dancing, and an overall zest for their learning and their opportunity to experience New York City, the MC4 come for a short while but leave a lasting impact – an impact that deeply affects the MTA talmidim and greatly enhances their experience at MTA.