Shevach High School, under the leadership of its Menaheles, Mrs. Shulamith Insel, is very excited about their new technology program, introduced this year as “Reconnect.” The goal of this initiative is to reconnect to that which is truly important in life and disconnect as much as we can from today’s greatest nisayon, technology. The program was introduced with a creative breakout that was not only enjoyed by all, but more importantly, left the Shevach students inspired to change. Kudos to the staff technology coordinator, Mrs. Chaya Swerdloff, and senior heads Sophia Ben Baruch, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Ahuva Grossman, Rochel Morgenstern, and Pesha Winter.
Every month, the Shevach girls receive a kabbalah card with a calendar and several suggested kabbalos listed. At the start of the month, each student chooses a kabbalah that she feels is most applicable to her. Every girl who completes her goal receives a charm at the end of the month to add to her “Reconnect” bracelet that she had received at the breakout, and is now being customized based on her accomplishments.
In order to encourage and empower the girls to keep their kabbalos, every Thursday morning, immediately after davening, a different girl stands up in front of the entire school and speaks about her accomplishments. In the words of the students: “I feel so much freer without my phone at the dinner table,” “I realized how much of a toll my phone took on my social life. Now I am much more in the present and feel like I can CONNECT better with my surroundings.” “I am much less distracted and can focus on what’s really important in life.” Baruch Hashem, this program has been very successful, and it is amazing to see the accomplishments of the girls in this important area.
On Chanukah, “Reconnect” launched a special initiative in which the girls were rewarded for staying off their devices a half hour after lighting the Chanukah candles. The students were given special Chanukah kabbalah cards on which to track their progress. After Chanukah, all who participated received hot cocoa and delicious chocolate chip cookies. It was incredible how many girls participated and completed the challenge! In the words of Mrs. Insel, “We are extremely proud of our girls who continuously strive to grow and connect to the messages that are being imbued in them daily.” Shevach Students Inspired To “Reconnect”
Shevach High School, under the leadership of its Menaheles, Mrs. Shulamith Insel, is very excited about their new technology program, introduced this year as “Reconnect.” The goal of this initiative is to reconnect to that which is truly important in life and disconnect as much as we can from today’s greatest nisayon, technology. The program was introduced with a creative breakout that was not only enjoyed by all, but more importantly, left the Shevach students inspired to change. Kudos to the staff technology coordinator, Mrs. Chaya Swerdloff, and senior heads Sophia Ben Baruch, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Ahuva Grossman, Rochel Morgenstern, and Pesha Winter.
Every month, the Shevach girls receive a kabbalah card with a calendar and several suggested kabbalos listed. At the start of the month, each student chooses a kabbalah that she feels is most applicable to her. Every girl who completes her goal receives a charm at the end of the month to add to her “Reconnect” bracelet that she had received at the breakout, and is now being customized based on her accomplishments.
In order to encourage and empower the girls to keep their kabbalos, every Thursday morning, immediately after davening, a different girl stands up in front of the entire school and speaks about her accomplishments. In the words of the students: “I feel so much freer without my phone at the dinner table,” “I realized how much of a toll my phone took on my social life. Now I am much more in the present and feel like I can CONNECT better with my surroundings.” “I am much less distracted and can focus on what’s really important in life.” Baruch Hashem, this program has been very successful, and it is amazing to see the accomplishments of the girls in this important area.
On Chanukah, “Reconnect” launched a special initiative in which the girls were rewarded for staying off their devices a half hour after lighting the Chanukah candles. The students were given special Chanukah kabbalah cards on which to track their progress. After Chanukah, all who participated received hot cocoa and delicious chocolate chip cookies. It was incredible how many girls participated and completed the challenge! In the words of Mrs. Insel, “We are extremely proud of our girls who continuously strive to grow and connect to the messages that are being imbued in them daily.”