Chesed is a significant aspect of student life at the Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Central). Over ten service-driven clubs now exist at Central, and throughout the years, students have made countless mission trips both locally and internationally to bring aid to those who need it most.

Last week, a group of Central students traveled to southern Appalachia to help with Hurricane Helene relief efforts in Asheville, North Carolina. Flooding from the September hurricane proved catastrophic for much of western North Carolina. Central students were deeply motivated to visit this part of the country and lend help where they could. The group was led by Judaic Studies faculty member and YUHSG Programming Director, Mrs. Yael Axelrod. “The mission to Asheville, North Carolina was an experience unlike anything our students have experienced,” Mrs. Axelrod said. “They participated in hands-on hurricane relief, cleaning out and breaking down a house devastated by Hurricane Helene. They learned to use tools they never used before, found strength within them that they didn’t know they had to carry and dispose of heavy items, and worked as a team to get the job done. Most importantly, they got to know Linda, the owner of the house they worked on, listening to her stories and memories, and providing comfort to her at a difficult time.”

The group included sophomores Nilli Aharon and Emma Katz, as well as juniors Shayna Baumohl, Orli Fish, Eliana Gomberg, Ellie Gross, Shalhevet Koenigsberg, Gabrielle Kornblum, Dina Milchman, and Noa Shuval. The trip was part of an initiative supported by the Orthodox Union Relief Missions.

“I was excited to help people who were majorly affected by Hurricane Helene,” junior Gabrielle Kornblum said. “It’s important to help others. New Yorkers have been lucky because we haven’t been affected by any recent storms, but we have to be aware of those who have been and try to help them out.” Junior Eliana Gomberg agreed: “It felt good to be able to help make someone’s house back into their home,” she said. The best part of the trip: the meaningful bond the students formed with homeowner Linda. “What another wonderful, sweet, kind, giving, caring group of young people you blessed me with!” Linda said. “They bring light back where it has been taken from my life, and fill each day I spend with them with delight. At the end of each day, I’m filled with their love and bright smiles.”

The entire month of December is Chesed Month at YUHSG. Other service initiatives that have taken place this year include trips to JCCRP’s Holocaust Survivor Food Distribution, as well as grade-wide initiatives to work with Ivdu, Masbia, Bobbie’s Place, the IDF Chesed Center, Yad Lead, and Shorefront JCC. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, YUHSG Associate Principal, Ms. Leah Moskovich, and Dean of Students, Mrs. Aliza Gewirtz, traveled to Israel for a week of chesed work with Central alumnae currently living and studying abroad. “Our focus for this trip was reuniting through chesed—giving back to our brothers and sisters in Israel, especially during the season of Thanksgiving,” Ms. Moskovich said. “It was a chance for our alumnae to come together and give back in meaningful ways.”