Weekly Tefilah Focus

The Power Of Ashrei

Malchus’cha malchus kol olamim, u’memshalt’cha b’chol dor va’dor. Your kingdom is a kingdom...

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Laasos bahem mishpat kasuv, Hadar hu l’chol chasidav. Hallelukah!

(and) to do to them the punishment written about them in Tanach, (and this will be) a glory for all His pious ones (Yisrael); (and for that day) praise Hashem!

Rom’mos Keil bigronam, v’cherev pifiyos b’yadam.

They say high praises of the Almighty (in a loud voice) with their throat, and these (praises) are like a double-edged sword in their hand (against their enemies).