Karov Hashem l’chol kor’av, l’chol asher yikra’uhu ve’emes.
Hashem is close to all who call upon Him – to all who call upon Him sincerely.
Hashem is close to all who call out to Him, regardless of each person’s current level of merit. The Chazon Ish advises that we implant the following in our hearts:
We have been granted the ability to connect with the Almighty through our thoughts.
Hashem is close to all who call out to Him.
When we do call out to Hashem, we bring Him nachas ruach.
The Chazon Ish comments how amazing it is that we can speak with Hashem as we speak to a close friend, expressing our deepest concerns and desires. He says this advice applies to all of us.
At first glance, there seems to be a contradiction between the first half and second half of this pasuk. First we say that Hashem is close to all those who call out to Him, but then we immediately say that Hashem is close to only those who call out to Him in truth. Another clarification that is needed is: What does the word “be’emes” mean in the context of this pasuk?
It is said in the name of R’ Itzeleh Blazer zt”l (who quotes our pasuk) that all people can call out to Hashem regardless of current merit. However, this is only true if what we are seeking is to come closer to the truth (emes). The qualification in this pasuk is not on what type of person may call out to Hashem, but rather about what type of request one may call out to Hashem for, and what type of request will be heard and answered, regardless of that person’s current merit or lack thereof. “emes” seems to refer to cheftzei Shamayim (Torah, mitzvos, and any other direct service of Hashem, like perfection of midos), in accordance with Sefer Chasidim (siman 131) that states that if one pleads with Hashem for assistance with learning Torah or any other cheftzei Shamayim, his tefilos will be heard, regardless of the fact that he may have no good deeds.
In a similar vein, the Chovos HaL’vavos teaches us that if we desire to come close to Hashem, the gates of t’shuvah will not be closed before us. Hashem will open the gates for us and guide us back to Him. One of the p’sukim he quotes as support for this is our pasuk.
As we head into Rosh HaShanah this coming week, b’ezras Hashem, let us remember the lesson of our pasuk. What Hashem seeks of us is our desire to return to Him and proclaim Him as King over us. It is relatively easy to proclaim Hashem as King over the Universe. What is more challenging and what is perhaps the essence of Rosh HaShanah is to proclaim Hashem as King over us, wanting to do only His will. May we merit to feel and to demonstrate this burning desire in the coming days, b’ezras Hashem, and be zocheh to a k’sivah v’chasimah tovah.
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You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.