Colors: Cyan Color

You woke up again this morning ready to wage war against this invisible enemy. Feel like you’re fighting a spiritual battle at this time? One thing’s for sure: You certainly can’t climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts. You may have been assigned this mountain just to show others that it can be moved.

A thief broke into my house last night and started searching for money. So I woke up and searched with him. Soooo, who are the inner-freedom thieves in your life? Here’s a hint: Listen to your internal voice, and how you use the word “until.” I can’t feel free until she approves of me, until I get that raise, until the world changes. Sorry, sweet friends, but until you stop allowing outside situations and scenarios to affect your inner peace, you can never be free.

Do you feel neck deep in this crisis, like you’re trying to swim against a tsunami? Have you also been on the receiving end of those Hallmark card sentiments during this trying time? Did you find it empathetic or remotely helpful? Before you’re tempted to blurt out that cliché, perhaps rethink before you speak.

Today’s forecast: Gloomy with a chance of Doom. What is that in the air right now? Oh, right – its uncertainty. And what is the shape of that cloud up there? It’s a big ole question mark. What are my holiday plans? Will I ever meet Prince Charming? Will I have enough money? Will my kids turn out remotely sane? Health-related issues? Panic stations are all open, and stress is at an all-time high. So you stand behind your decision to have a fit of madness, eh? Please step away from the Panic Button.

So your quarantine routine is very simple. You wake up, and go insane? Due to the quarantine, I’ll only be telling inside jokes. But seriously, have you been on an emotional roller coaster? Even your friends who have had few stresses in life are skittish and strung out by this global pandemic. You are all about accepting what you cannot control one day; and the next you feel disturbed, distracted, and downright distraught. Well, at least there’s no FOMO right now. If you don’t know what FOMO means, you don’t know what you’re missing. Heh.

 I know a great joke about coronavirus. You probably won’t get it though. Who’s ready for another day of hand-washing and looking out the window? What’s that? You say your phone’s “low battery warning” is the only warning you take seriously? Maybe not this time. So what is your reaction to the current state of affairs? Disbelief, shock, or fear about the unknown future? Perhaps you feel powerless or even numb from the unending updates, handouts, and headlines. Please stay informed, sweet friends. Knowledge is power. But do not believe all the rumors of catastrophe, calamity, and cataclysm. A rumor goes in one ear, and then out of many mouths. Check your sources.