Grade 8 Girls Host “39 Melachos Fair”
The eighth-grade girls presented a Lamed-Tes Melachos Fair. Each student researched and prepared one m’lachah with practical applications and activities to present to students in grades 3-7. Each board was so creative and beautiful. The students walked away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Shabbos. Thank you to Morah Sarit Auerbach for organizing.
Grade 4 Girls Melaveh Malkah
Fourth-grade girls and their families joined together for a beautiful melaveh malkah on Motza’ei Shabbos, February 11. After an introduction from Rabbi Landsman, students decorated boxes for bentchers and enjoyed a delicious dinner from Bravo. Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi then delivered inspirational words, and the night was highlighted by performances from both classes, each singing two songs. Thank you to Morah Friedman and Morah Silverstein, Mrs. Shirly Pourad-Kaikov, Morah Rita Mizrahi for her assistance, Morah Tali Brody for musical accompaniment, Mrs. Jen Jaffe for her photography, and the custodians for their efforts setting up and cleaning up.
Grade 5 Literature Club with Ms. Shoshana Rosenblum
By The Literature Club
The Literature Club is amazing, fun, and entertaining. We are reading The Unteachables by Gordon Korman. It is about a class that every teacher has given up on and refuses to teach. The teacher is even worse. He is burnt-out and doesn’t work. In the Literature Club, we read, discuss, and make comics based on scenes in the books. We also love our snacks.
Parent-Child Sunday Learning
On Sunday February 12, Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt delivered a shiur on the “True Beauty of Jewelry” as part of the Parent-Child Sunday Learning Program for fifth-to-eighth-grade students. Attendees had the opportunity to daven together, eat a delicious breakfast, and hear words of Torah from Rabbi Rosenfelt. Seventh and eighth grade honors Gemara students had their own special shiurim from Rabbi Ephraim Bernstein and Rabbi Ophie Nat.