Colors: Cyan Color

Are you still jumping through those hoops and doing mental gymnastics to make a particular someone see your worth? Are you the poster child for simply not feeling good enough? No, no. Please know your own worth; then add tax. Perhaps you are perennially trying to be adequate, all right, and up to snuff for others. You may need to intentionally stop your brain from beating yourself up. Beat your goals up instead.

Are you living life right? When was the last time you truly questioned your journey or path? You may feel a tad lost and crave a more meaningful existence. Do you ever examine or evaluate your values or virtues? If you tend to dive into the deepest or rawest parts of yourself, you just may be soul-searching. Feel like your aura is bit dusty? Believe it or not, many of us who are chronically anxious and unhappy may be disconnected from our very souls.

Not exactly livin’ la vida lockdown, eh? Fine. Don’t buy a 2021 planner until you see the trailer. You Googled your symptoms. Turns out you just need a vacation. People from all parts of the planet share the same sentiment. The world feels awfully heavy right about now. Is it weighing down on you? Instead of it feeling safe and peaceful, it seems as though it’s about to implode. Our faith in government leaders and even some so-called medical experts has taken a beating that some may never recover from. How do you get out of the mental rut? It’s no simple feat calming the chaos in your head.

Your lifeboat just sprung a leak? Do you sometimes find yourself drowning in the waters of negativity? You may need to challenge those dark thoughts and ask yourself: “Is there a more positive way that I can view this situation?” One of the secrets to a more uplifting outlook is learning to ask yourself helpful questions. What are some of the negative influences in my life?

Due to intense brain fog, all of my thoughts have been canceled until further notice. There you are again, wading through that mental fog. I once tried to grab fog, but I mist. Truth is we need fog to remind us that all of life is not black and white.