Colors: Cyan Color

Waking up under this dark cloud and sleepwalking through another day. Looking longingly for a time machine to transport us to next year already. Even the aliens are riding past Earth, locking their doors. You already checked the Forbes list of the richest people in America, and you’re still not on it. So now what?

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Do you feel as though your mind, body, and spirit are at rest these days? I didn’t think so. After all, how can you feel a sense of acceptance when things are so beyond your control? How do you cultivate compassion when others around you are losing what’s left of their minds and acting out? The ‘rona pandemic is not the first plague that has ravaged our lives, sweet friends. Pandemonium comes in many forms. We struggle within ourselves; we clash with our loved ones, or perhaps our very beliefs become irrational, infantile, or even toxic. Heck, we all have irrational fears. I have an irrational fear of wasting a good outfit on a totally insignificant day. But when are we ever simply “at peace”?

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m tired of being part of a major historical event. Listen, if the lessons of history have taught us anything, it’s that no one learns the lessons that history teaches us. Then again, if you think you have it tough, try reading some history books. But seriously, who wants to feel secluded, sequestered, and hermit-like day in, day out. If there’s one thing isolation and lack of human affection does, it’s worsen the quality of our lives. I know, nothing saves money like being anti-social. What you lack in social skills you make up in “hiding from people” skills? I get it.

You lost control and are offering a reward to anyone who finds it? Boy, we sure could use some clarity right about now. Can you figure what is or isn’t going on in the world? Believe it or not, it may not be possible to fathom, find out, and decode life. But what we can do is live it in the moment. Don’t you miss the age when you thought you would have it all together by the time you were the age you are now? One thing’s for certain: There are no guarantees or assurances in this life.

You’re breathing. That’s about it for today’s productivity? Good enough. Did your heart just start beating faster, or is your breathing shallow now? Do you feel sick to your stomach, or are there a host of butterflies flying around in there? Feel like running away, or perhaps punching a piñata? Well, after all, you know it’s all his fault. You judged her and you are convinced that you are the victim in all of this. When you find yourself overreacting or lashing out in anger, you may have been touched off or triggered by some emotion that you now seem to be at the mercy of.

What did you accomplish today? Well, the kids are still alive. Excellent. Apparently this year is being written by Stephen King. Are you like 2020% done? Perhaps you constantly fight with your family or friends these days, trying to convince them to be more cautious, or that the CV pandemic is not as serious as the media would have you believe. “The lockdown should end or should never have started,” he shouts. “We need to still socially distance and stay home,” she claps back.