Dear Editor:

 In regard to last week’s Democratic Primary in-person voting results, I mistakenly reported that, along with Rep. Grace Meng’s reelection, her allies Morton and Sandra Povman had also been reelected as District Leaders. In fact, Mrs. Povman won, but Mr. Povman did not, losing to Mark Morrill, a member of Mel Gagarin’s campaign and the New Reformers slate that nominated opposition candidates across Queens.

It was puzzling to see how Mrs. Povman won her reelection with nearly the same lopsided numbers as Mr. Povman’s defeat. Perhaps not enough voters knew of Povman’s accomplishments and chose the candidate whose last name appeared higher on the alphabet.

Our elderly political chieftains cannot expect to hold their party leadership seats indefinitely. For all the respect and goodwill that Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz has earned, her position as District Leader in Forest Hills was also challenged this year after decades without opposition.

In order to maintain the moderate position of the Democratic Party, the Queens County party organization must do more to promote young candidates who can stand up to the leftists. Likewise, young adults in the Queens Jewish community should also be more involved. There are a few young individuals among our readership worth noting:

Sam Verstandig, former intern to Assemblyman David Weprin and staffer for State Senator Joe Addabbo.

Likewise for Hudy Rosenberg, who serves as legislative director for Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, and Daniel Blech who works for Assemblyman Dan Rosenthal (both of these lawmakers are millennials).

Certainly for David Aronov, former staffer for Koslowitz, who is on the Queens outreach team for Census 2020.

On Community Board 6 there are Emanuil Kalendarev and Chazaq CEO Rabbi Yaniv Meirov.

As we honor the Povmans, we must recognize that no seat should be taken for granted. We must encourage younger members of our community to run for District Leader, apply for Community Board seats, and participate in party organizations and civic associations. If we do not show up, we lose.

 Sergey Kadinsky

Dear Editor:

 Sergey Kadinsky’s article last week, “Grace Meng Reelected Amid Leftist Gains” gives the impression that Meng’s policy positions are not left-wing progressive. Nothing can be further from the truth. Check out her voting record and website, as well as her constant attacks on our President. She also voted in favor of impeachment.

To carry out the President’s agenda, we need more Republican members of the House, as Democrats are a hindrance.

Fortunately, we have a viable alternative in November. Tom Zmich, who is a strong supporter of our President and strong on Israel and Jewish concerns, is running on the Republican, Conservative, and Libertarian lines.

Alan Fenster

Dear Editor:

 I have been blown away by Goldy Krantz’s last two articles: the one where she answered the man about marrying the woman he loved, but not having children of his own, and this past week where she attempted to help a woman who was very biased to another article based on her own situation.

Goldy addressed both people with kindness, honesty, and the bluntness they needed to hear. I would’ve told the man about having his own children: “Drop your rav, get a wife, and move on.” To the biased woman, I would have told her to “get over it, and every situation is different, so don’t go looking for a fight where the circumstances weren’t the same.” Goldy has far more class and panache than I do.

With the kindness of a friend and the social worker she is, she told these people what her thoughts were and did so in a loving way, but made certain that they understood where she stood. She made them look at their situation as a third party would. I loved that line where she told the woman that it’s one thing to know when you date and marry someone the opposite of you, but now you have to live with that person; meaning, go into the marriage with your eyes wide open, but not trying to change the person.

Goldy is absolutely as her name says: Gold. We are lucky to have someone who will write what needs to be said, even if it isn’t the popular opinion. But she does so in a way that the person should never feel foolish or embarrassed for asking the question.

Keep up the good work!

 Yishai G.

Dear Editor:

 The article published this past week by Sara Mirel Gold in memory of her mother Kaila Aron a”h was so uplifting and meaningful. It really inspired me.

I remember seeing Mrs. Aron on her bicycle, and it was really wonderful to see. Her mother was such a special person, and Sara Mirel’s article was a beautiful tribute to her mother.

Mrs. Aron’s explanation of solitude versus loneliness really resonated with me. Thank you for publishing this article.

Her family should be comforted and Kaila Aron’s memory should be a brachah to all who knew her.

 Susie Garber

Dear Editor:


During a recent transportation webinar in response to a question about plans for any fare increase as a result of COVID-19, MTA Chairman Pat Foye said in no uncertain terms there is no consideration toward imposing a fare hike in the worst-case scenario due to the COVID-19 ridership loss.

What he failed to mention is the previous plan, agreed upon by both Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio. It included both congestion pricing and fare increases as part of a funding package to support the $51 billion MTA 2020-2024 Five-Year Capital Plan. This plan includes fare increases no greater than two percent per year. The MTA and State Legislature committed to fare increases occurring every two years. With a fare increase in 2019, the next would be in 2021.

The MTA currently faces financial shortfalls in the billions for both capital and operating expenses. Any fare increase for NYC Transit local, express, and select bus service, subway, Staten Island Railway, MTA Bus, along with Long Island and Metro North Rail Roads could be up to four percent. There is still no guarantee that Congestion Pricing will begin in 2021. Due to the economic recession as a result of COVID-19, billions anticipated from congestion pricing, real estate transfer, Internet sales, along with other city and state taxes, will be lost. The result could be a larger fare increase in 2021. The alternative could be reductions in the level of service, frequency of maintenance, along with delays to capital projects and programs to minimize any fare increases.


 Larry Penner