Colors: Blue Color

Student ambassadors greeted a record number of prospective parents and students from many metropolitan elementary schools at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls Open House on Sunday, November 3. The overflowing crowd heard from Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, Principal, Judaic Studies; Mrs. Bluma Drebin, Principal, General Studies; Rabbi Yosef Zakutinsky, Director of Student Programs; Ms. Elana Flumenhaft, Associate Principal; and SKA Senior Avigail Goldberg.

The MTA library reverberated with the sweet sounds of Torah learning on Monday, November 4, as talmidim in Rabbi Danto’s Freshman shiur completed their final stretch of intense chazarah, followed by a celebratory s’udah and a b’chinah with Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Taubes. In shiur, talmidim focus on learning b’kius bir’tzifus – learning straight for as long as they can. In the beginning of the year, talmidim learn for 1-1.5 hours straight and build up to three hours of uninterrupted learning by the end of the year.

During the week of November 5, Yeshiva of Central Queens’ JHS students elected their G.O. members. The previous Friday, the students voted for who would make it past the primaries. Four students were elected to campaign for positions. Two boys and two girls ran for sixth-grade representative and seventh grade representative, and, finally, from eighth grade, eight students ran for two Vice Presidents and two Presidents.

As part of their preparation for their filmed interviews with Holocaust survivors, seniors participating in Names, Not Numbers© were treated to an interviewing workshop. Mrs. Tova Rosenberg, Names, Not Numbers© creator, invited Ms. Shira Hanou, staff writer for The Jewish Week, to work with the students.

In 2009, when Reb Ezra Klein founded a learning program for baalei batim in his Flatbush community, l’ilui neshmas his mother, Pesi Rochel Klein, a”h (whose initials spell out “Pirka”), on her first yahrtzeit, little did he realize that it would blossom into a nationwide program. In celebration of its first ten years of tremendous growth, the Agra D’Pirka Decade Dinner will take place on Sunday evening, November 24, at the Tiferes Rivka Hall, in Brooklyn, at 6 p.m.

Congratulations to Priva Halpert, a Junior at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, whose science research work has been published in the American Chemical Society Omega Journal. This is an extremely unusual accomplishment for a high school student!