We have reached a level of insanity that is beyond explicable. People’s views are illogical and distorted. Once, I believe, most people were somewhat normal, healthy-thinking people who recognized and agreed on what is good and what is evil, what is truth and what is a lie.

Before October 7th, if people were asked, “If a group of individuals butchered, brutally molested, burned alive, and kidnapped innocent people, is there any scenario in which this would be considered acceptable and even heroic? Suppose woman’s rights groups were shown a video of innocent women being violently raped multiple times and being dragged bleeding through the streets. Would they ever have condoned and even cheered this barbaric behavior? Would any LGB group who was told that it is a risk to their lives to go to any Moslem country that practices Sharia law because they would be thrown from a rooftop, say I don’t believe it - and happily go there, never to return?

 Would anyone dare tell people on whom the atrocities were perpetrated, don’t retaliate? Moreover, would they say that if you do fight back, you are responsible for providing food, water, gas, internet, and medical supplies to your attackers? Make sure to open pathways, build roads and docks, and fight off anyone who stops these provisions from getting to the people. Oh yes, and please let them know where and when you will attack so they can get out of the way and hide the hostages.

The most recent absurdity is that the IDF carried out a heroically successful mission to release and bring home Noa Argamani, Almog Meir, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi ZIv, four of the hostages who have been in captivity in Gaza for 247 days, and Israel is being criticized for doing so without warning the Palestinians. Had the IDF notified the Palestinians, would the terrorists have kept the hostages where they were, allowing us to find them and take them home?

Once again, rather than praising the Israelis for succeeding at this dangerously daring rescue, Kamala Harris emphasized the loss of Palestinian lives. The twisted thinkers are shouting that innocent Palestinians were sacrificed. Whose fault was that? Why isn’t the world blaming Hamas for placing hostages in the midst of the community, knowing full well that the IDF, to get to the hostages, would have to take out the innocent Palestinians who were acting as human shields? Could it be that Hamas wanted these innocent Palestinians to be killed by the IDF so that they could gain world sympathy? Could it be that these so-called innocent victims are really not so innocent? After all, Noa Argamani was found in the home of a photojournalist for Al Jazeera and his father, a doctor.

Doctors, nurses, and hospital staff are usually considered the elite of society. It’s been proven that many medical people certainly knew of the tunnels under the hospitals, the ammunition stored in the hospital, the rockets fired from the hospital, and the hostages hidden in the hospitals. Now we know doctors not only knew about but actively aided in holding hostages. Take note of all the “innocent people” in whose homes the IDF found entrances to tunnels and baby rooms full of weapons, including stuffed animals stuffed with ammunition. What of the innocent teachers who were all teaching Mein Kampf and who taught in classrooms full of guns? UNWRA workers, ambulance drivers, and teachers are continually being found to be aiding Hamas. Over 80% of Palestinians still support Hamas. Who exactly were the” innocent victims” who Israel should have warned? Why, when the Israelis carried out this surprise attack to take back our innocent victims, were there hundreds of Palestinians shooting at them?

Why isn’t the world accusing Hamas of attacking Israel on October 7th without giving Israel advanced warning?

The sickos of this world and the press turn everything topsy-turvy. Rather than blaming Hamas, the aggressor, they blame Israel, the victim, Rather than researching the facts, they invent them. Rather than learning from history, they rewrite and distort it. Universities and governments around the world have been infiltrated. Propaganda, lies, and social media go unquestioned. AI causes people to question whether any information is real. Hamas proudly videoed themselves committing the most horrendous crimes, then denied they did it. Hamas leaders announced they committed the October 7th atrocities and will do it again and again, yet no one cares that this is true. The antisemites deny the Holocaust and then accuse the Jews of committing genocide like Hitler. All the countries that are truly committing genocide are accusing Israel (which has proven that it is not committing genocide) of commiting genocide. South Africa, which is the most apartheid country, is accusing Israel, which has proven not to be apartheid, of apartheid.

Most unbelievable of all is that the world does not see the truth and recognize that the Jews are the light unto the nations. Truth is stranger than fiction. Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, was released from an Israeli prison along with over 1000 Arab prisoners in exchange for one Israeli soldier. But before Israel released him, Israeli doctors, who value all life, removed a fatal tumor from his brain. Obviously, Hakaros hatov (recognizing the good done to you). is not one of Sinwar’s qualities.

Truth has become a choice. Only if you search for it can you find it. The style now is to twist the facts to fit the lie you want to present as truth. It is a sad and frightening world in which people are creating a false, sick, distorted reality. Despite this, we must remember G-d knows the truth and G-d runs the world.

By Ruki Renov