Colors: Blue Color

SKA commencement exercises were held on Sunday, June 16, at DRS, where family members joined the graduates, SKA administration, and faculty members to honor this milestone. After stirring introductions by Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, Principal, Religious Studies, and Mrs. Bluma Drebin, Principal, General Studies, Valedictorian Lauren Israeli, Salutatorian Adina Lev, and Kesser Shem Tov Awardee Devorah Schreier each addressed the audience.

SHA Holds Commencement Ceremony for Middle School Students

Silverstein Hebrew Academy (SHA) is proud to announce it recently held a commencement ceremony for the class of 2019 middle school students. The SHA eighth grade students will be advancing to the top yeshivah high schools throughout the New York metropolitan area next fall. Along with celebrating the graduating class, this year’s ceremony was especially significant, because it has been 20 years since SHA opened its doors in 1999.

HANC Middle School’s Eighth Grade Graduation took place on Thursday, June 20. It was held in the school’s auditorium. The room looked very festive with balloons and a “2019” arch through which the students walked down the aisle. The graduates looked extremely proud as they walked down the aisle, and their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were certainly shepping a lot of nachas.

MTA LEAD, an entrepreneurship program designed to empower MTA talmidim with the ability to build on their entrepreneurial ideas and create meaningful and sustainable business projects while gaining lasting business and communal leadership skills, announced its winner for the 2018-2019 school year. Sophomore Akiva Kra of Teaneck won the competition after presenting his final business plan for modular sneakers to Sy Syms School of Business Associate Dean Michael Strauss.

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