Colors: Blue Color

On Monday, September 23 and 25, Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) grade eight students visited Ellis Island and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. After taking a ferry from Battery Park to Ellis Island, students learned how the immigrants entered America, gaining and understanding of their hardships, and how they coped with the difficult journey and settling in America. When asked what she got out of the trip, Talia Cohen said, “It was an amazing experience because Ellis Island was where people immigrated many years ago. While I was there, I felt like I was in their shoes.”

Each grade of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls had the opportunity on Wednesday, September 18, to partake in acts of chesed and community before the Yamim Nora’im.

The 7th grade girls had an incredible time at their “sweet” meet-and-greet on Monday, September 9 (9/9/19). The ice cream sundae bar was especially fun and yummy. After the food, the 7th grade girls were randomly put into groups and then the real activities began. Human bingo was a hit, where each girl had to find someone “allergic to apples” or “birthday on a holiday” or something similar. This gave the girls an opportunity to talk to each other and find out new information.

On Friday, September 13, the 7th grade boys, along with Rabbi Olshan, Rabbi Dworetsky, and Dr. Levey, gathered in the Middle School Beit Midrash for a “get to know your classmates” activity. The boys first started off with some snacks, which included delicious rugalach and croissants. Following snacks, each 7th grade boy was asked to randomly select five M&Ms. We went around the room and each student introduced himself and then answered a question based on the color of the M&M (for example: Blue = Favorite Food, Yellow = Favorite Book or Movie, Red = Telling the Group Something About His Family).