Colors: Blue Color

On Monday, September 16, MTA Seniors visited the Museum of Jewish Heritage, where they learned about the vibrant Jewish communities that thrived in pre-World War II Europe. This experiential learning opportunity highlighted the strength, vitality, and dedication to Torah and mitzvos that were prevalent in many cities throughout Europe, and simultaneously demonstrated the vulnerability of the Jewish community. For Seniors participating in the Names, Not Numbers elective course where they will create their own Holocaust documentary, the trip was a necessary introduction to appreciating the devastation that was experienced during the Holocaust. Talmidim also participated in a workshop on Ethical Wills, where they studied several ethical wills that were written to the children and grandchildren of those who perished at the hands of the Nazis. These ethical wills, designed to pass ethical values from one generation to the next, discussed ethics, morality, and what it means to be part of klal Yisrael.

The start of a new school year brings the start of many different programs. This past week, Mesivta Yam HaTorah kicked off its Mishmar program, where groups of students were paired with Beis Midrash bachurim from Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh to have an opportunity to review the material they had been learning in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The intimate groups provided more focused learning as well as general chizuk from the older mentors. These groups will be kept the same throughout the year, helping build a stronger connection between the Beis Midrash bachur and the students. This will not only allow them to learn together but to develop a mentor and role model to assist them in other facets of life. We look forward to the growing success of our Mishmar learning and to the delicious suppers that will ensure an all-around enjoyment of this program.

The freshmen headed down the Delaware River this week for their maiden voyage as a grade: a rafting trip! In six-person rafts and with their senior Big Sisters and Grade Deans in tow, the newly minted Central students paddled their way through the day, which ended at Mrs. CB Neugroschl’s home for dinner. Freshman Shira Rosoff expressed that “It was a great way for our grade to bond. If you were in a raft with people you knew, you got to know them better; and if you were with people you didn’t know, it was a great way to hang out for the first time.” It wasn’t all smooth sailing, though. Tallyah Akhavan and Sophia Shaool said, “We definitely got stuck a few times on boulders or on the sides of the river and had to get ourselves out! It was really fun, though, and we pulled through together.”

Excitement and anticipation were in the air at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens as students in grades 1-4 and grades 5-8 participated in separate assemblies where the midos theme of the year and Y’mei Ratzon Program were introduced. Mrs. Nechama Jurkowitz, limudei kodesh principal, explained that the theme for the year Tav Shin Pei (5780) is related to peh – mouth. The pasuk we are focusing on is very familiar to everyone and recited in Eishes Chayil – “Piha Paschah B’Chochmah” – It “pays” to weigh your words wisely. Our motto is Say it right! This year, our adorable mascot owl, named BINAH, will be encouraging the girls to think before they speak and choose their words wisely. Mrs. Jurkowitz explained that babies are not born with the ability to speak, as they are with other senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch. This is because speech must be preceded with thought; and until young babies develop their thinking skills, they are not capable of speaking. What sets humans apart from animals is their ability to think and speak – dei’ah v’dibur. Using a large speech bubble, Mrs. Jurkowitz role-played with the students the thoughtful and appropriate response to a common school situation.