Colors: Blue Color

Grade 6 had the opportunity to learn from Mrs. Elana Kaplan about the “Art of Ancient Egypt” on Wednesday, March 22. Mrs. Kaplan is an educator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and taught students about hieroglyphics and sculpting. Everyone had a great time following the hieroglyphics chart and sculpting mini-versions of ancient Egyptians’ belongings. What a fitting activity with Pesach approaching!

Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Mashgiach Ruchani at the Lander College for Men, was the special guest speaker at the monthly Rosh Chodesh program at Bnos Malka Academy. The Mashgiach stressed to the girls that while we commemorate and study all the miracles that occurred in the time of Y’tzias Mitzrayim, we need to be aware of the constant, everyday miracles that impact our lives.

This past week, eight Central students took a trip to Washington, D.C. to learn by doing. The trip, made in conjunction with Yeshiva University’s Political Action Club (YUPAC), served as a primer to lawmaking from the lobbyist’s perspective. Juniors Samantha Burger, Aviva Kessock, Simona Pitterman, Meira Schuck, Tiferet Tuchman, and Channah Yurovsky, and seniors Leba Fass and Leba Weissman made the journey to the Capitol, accompanied by Central History teacher Mr. Richard Isaacs. Mr. Isaacs spoke to the importance of the trip to Washington.

Witnessing the rising rate of hate crimes directed at Jews across the country and throughout the world, SKA organized a special event on Tuesday, March 21, to openly discuss anti-Semitism with our students, exploring anti-Judaism and anti-Zionism from several perspectives.

Hadar Bet Yaakov marked Purim to Pesach with an array of programming highlights spanning classroom academics to whole school gatherings.  Chodesh Adar was filled with simchah from our dress-up themed week to our celebratory Purim chagigah and a “wow” visit from Rav Gav, where the entire student group and staff were blown away when the famous Rabbi Gavriel Friedman empowered us with his understanding of life as a series of choices that gives everyone the opportunity to uncover their own personal meaning and simchah