Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Mashgiach Ruchani at the Lander College for Men, was the special guest speaker at the monthly Rosh Chodesh program at Bnos Malka Academy. The Mashgiach stressed to the girls that while we commemorate and study all the miracles that occurred in the time of Y’tzias Mitzrayim, we need to be aware of the constant, everyday miracles that impact our lives.
Rabbi Bamberger told stories that clearly showed the yad Hashem in life and death matters but said we need to be sensitive to see the miracles in the more “mundane” aspects of our lives. He related a personal story that showed how a last-minute canceled trip to Eretz Yisrael actually was a brachah. “At the time, both my daughter and I were disappointed that we had to cancel our plans, but in the end, it was the yad Hashem that orchestrated the best for us.”