Colors: Blue Color

MTA talmidim have been preparing for the upcoming Yom Tov with learning opportunities unique to the MTA experience. First, talmidim had the opportunity to hear a chaburah from YU Kollel Elyon fellow Rabbi Josh Kaufman. Then, talmidim in Rabbi Kerner’s shiur had the opportunity to hear a sichas musar from YU Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen in preparation for Pesach. Since Rosh Chodesh Nissan, there has been an air of excitement in the halls of MTA and the talmidim are excited to bring their learning home with them for Pesach.


The much-anticipated JHS Girls Shabbaton began at the beautiful Bushkill Inn early Friday afternoon. Students swam in the indoor pool and participated in exciting “Pre-Shabbos ruach,” to welcome in Shabbos with singing and dancing. The energy continued throughout the evening.

On Wednesday, March 16, a dedicated group of 10 HANC High School students traveled to Israel to participate in the Jerusalem Marathon.

Shalva, an organization for special needs children in Israel, has a team in the Jerusalem Marathon, and this year, the amazing group of motivated HANC students, chaperoned by Director of Student Life Rabbi Daniel Mezei and his wife Penina, raised over 34K for Shalva.

A group of 6th and 7th grade girls from HALB took a trip to the Girls Who Code CodeFair in Manhattan.  The CodeFair was designed to align with the goals of Girls Who Code which is to help change the culture of what a computer scientist looks like by inviting more girls to get excited by the fields of coding, computer science and engineering.  The girls had a great time with the interactive exhibits, free giveaways, and being part of such a big group of girls and women who are excited by computer science and technology. 

MACS (Modesty Awareness Committee by Students), part of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls’ LEV (Living Enhanced by Values) initiative organized an incredible program on Tuesday, March 14, analyzing the power of non-verbal communication.