As April 15th lurks right around the corner, it evokes certain unpleasant feelings in many of us. Most people do not relish the notion of gathering all their paperwork, including 1099s, charitable donations, medical expenses, etc. to submit to their accountant in a comprehensive and legible format. Furthermore, while many might anticipate a refund, there are others who dread seeing the amount that is owed. Tax season begins in January when accountants start burning the midnight oil to submit their clients’ returns in a timely fashion. People are given ample time, and email blasts are sent with gentle reminders. Nonetheless, it is inevitable that some will wait until the last minute or file for an extension.

Earlier in March, I passed the balcony of the Hofburg Palace where, on March 15, 1938, Adolph Hitler announced the Austrian Anschluss to Nazi Germany. Approximately 200,000 Austrians stood on the Heldenplatz cheering that day. I watched the grainy black and white video of his speech, chilled with disbelief, as I stood in that same place. Moments later, I met with Wolfgang Sobotka, the President of the Austrian National Council, whose own grandfather was a Nazi.

Recap: Chezky and Shmuel are missing in the midst of the blizzard. A group of neighbors are searching the snow drifts with pitchforks. Aharon spots a pair of mittens and a hat on the snow. He pokes there and hears an ouch screamed out. The men dig and find Chezky and Shmuel in a snow fort underground. The boys are fine.