In Parshas BaMidbar, Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu to make a special count of Sheivet Levi from ages 30 to 50, as they were chosen to do the work in the Mishkan. Later, though, in Parshas B’Haaloscha, Moshe is told by Hashem to inform the L’viim to serve in the Mishkan from the age of 25. These two instructions appear to contradict each other.

A few weeks after the Six-Day War, the Maggid of Jerusalem, HaGaon Rav Shabsi Yudelevitz zt”l was approached by a young, resourceful man who served as a liaison to the officers and soldiers of the Israeli Army. “Rabbi Yudelevitz, I want you to say a few words to the soldiers. Come and strengthen them in their Fear of Heaven.”

A woman entered a bank in Bnei Brak and waited on line to withdraw some money. When her turn came, she asked the teller for 300 shekels from her account. The teller punched in her account number and politely explained that he couldn’t give her the money because she was already over her limit. The woman insisted that she needed the money, and the teller remained calm but firm, explaining that he was not authorized to withdraw any more funds until she deposited money into her account.

In Michtav MeiEliyahu, Rav Eliyahu Dessler zt”l writes: “The basis of true ahavas Hashem is hakaras ha’tov.” Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt”l would tell couples, “A husband should show hakaras ha’tov to his wife, and a wife should show hakaras ha’tov to her husband. As the Midrash states, “Proper behavior comes before the Torah.”

In the area of shidduchim, there are numerous rules and regulations that are adhered to in the matchmaking process. For example, it is prohibited for either party in a prospective match to provide false information or to withhold pertinent information, for doing so could result in the actual invalidation of the marriage (Igros Moshe, Even HaEzer 1:79-80). Information regarding serious physical or mental illness, infertility, lack of religious observance, and other such serious issues, may not be withheld. However, one is not required to divulge a deficiency that most people do not consider an impediment, including a minor illness or physical weakness, and there is a dispute between contemporary poskim as to whether it is permitted to slightly “adjust” the age of a boy or girl, when declaring their age. Often, older singles will answer vaguely when asked about their age, and according to some, there is legitimacy to this practice.