Following a tradition spanning over four decades, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kopelowitz held an impressive reception benefiting Yeshiva Bais Abraham Slonim of Jerusalem and its affiliated institutions of Torah and chesed last Tuesday evening, February 20, at their Kew Gardens Hills home. The program was greatly enhanced by the presence of HaRav HaGaon Moshe Berezovsky, son of the Slonimer Rebbe and grandson of the famed Nesivos Sholom ztk”l, Rosh HaYeshivah. Community rabbonim joined for the inspiration, greatly uplifting the tone of the event. Dr. Jacob Walfish, chavrusah of Mr. Kopelowitz, once again served as chairman for the evening.
This year marks the 80th year since the founding of the prestigious Slonim yeshivah, founded by the late Rav Shalom Noach Berozovsky, commonly known as the Nesivos Shalom, whose Torah perspectives are studied worldwide. Annually, the prestigious Yerushalayim-based institution graduates a significant number of leading Torah luminaries who largely hold eminent roles in Torah citadels spanning Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora. These talmidei chachamim offer their respective communities a unique combination of stellar Torah-based opportunities, including riveting shiurim, amidst a culture of enhanced midos tovos combined with the signature warmth found in the world of chassidus.
“Everyone here knows that the Kopelowitz and Slonim connection goes back many decades,” began Moshe Kopelowitz, son of the hosts, in his opening remarks. “For me personally, and my shul in North Woodmere, we see firsthand the chinuch and hanhagah of the yeshivah as our rav, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg shlit”a constantly elevates and instills upon us the mesorah he saw as a talmid and a chassid in the yeshivah.”
Moshe offered a thoughtful perspective from the Nesivos Shalom on the need for Hashem using four parshios to go through in great detail every single aspect of the Mishkan’s construction. “As we establish a makom Shechinah, a place for Hakadosh Baruch Hu, He is telling us that we not only need a Mishkan, but we need to devote ourselves and constantly have a place for us and the Shechinah.” Moshe went on to discuss the Rosh HaYeshivah’s Torah delivered this past Sunday in North Woodmere. “The generations after the Mishkan and the Bais HaMikdash had a unique z’chus, as we are able to build our own mikdash m’at and are able to have the Shechinah live among us in our homes.
“Since this past Simchas Torah,” he added, “every one of us is looking for ways to help and to connect with acheinu bnei Yisrael. Chazal tell us that there is no better z’chus than one who continues to strengthen his connection with Torah, especially Toras Eretz Yisrael.”
It was humbling to see the community turn out in great numbers showing support for this grand Torah institute. Amongst the rabbonim in attendance were R’ Yaakov Bergman, rav of Beis Medrash of KGH; R’ Gershon Brafman; R’ Mordechai Finkelman, mashgiach of Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim; R’ Yaakov Yitzchak Friedman, the Ulemer Rav, Cong. Bais Yosef D’Ulem; R’ Binyamin Kessler, menahel of Yeshiva Ketana Zichron Chaim U’Bina of Queens; R’ Zvi Romm of the Bialystoker Synagogue; R’ Henach Savitsky, rav of Cong. Machzekei Hadas; R’ Moshe Sokoloff, rav of Agudath Israel of KGH; R’ Menashe Tzadka, rav of Bais Midrash Tov; and R’ Dovid Weinberger, rav of Khal Bais Yitzchok, The Jamaica Estates Shteeble.
By Shabsie Saphirstein